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Quick Week in Review & a POLL!

Just wanted to let you guys know were still here--but barely, after this past week.

Knox and I headed to my parents house this past Sunday for an early birthday celebration (my 30th is in one WEEK!  EEEK!) while Keith headed to California for a work week on Monday.  We had a great day Sunday and Monday, and had plans to head to Keith's parent's house for Wednesday and Thursday.

Plan we may, but the germs came to play.  Knox woke up Monday night with an absolutely horrid stomach bug.  After being up with him for about 30 minutes to an hour, I notice my stomach was not feeling normal.  My hunches were correct, and I joined Knox in what turned into a 4 day battle with the bad bug.  It was the most terrible sickness I've ever had next to the flu.  To see such a little body of Knox's go through what I was going through was torture--immensely scary.

I don't know what I would have done if we were home alone.  My mother was definitely my saving grace taking care of both Knox and I, while doing laundry we produced for the three days we were there.  Thankfully, neither she nor my father have caught the bug yet and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Keith doesn't get it.  We managed to make it home on Thursday afternoon with only minor "difficulties" on my part, and Keith made it home at 8:00am Friday on the red-eye.

*Update:  Keith got it last night.  :(

The weekend has been entirely devoted to getting our house decluttered and organized.  Things looks somewhat in place to the passer-byer (sp?), but be warned--don't open most closets!  Some have been organized, but with time, they've gotten a little messy again.  Yesterday was clean out the storage closet day--it houses holiday decorations, luggage, personal affects, and some home decor that will be repurposed one day.  I managed to separate about 1/3 of the stuff to be given away.  And that's on top of the 6-7 bags of clothes, shoes and jackets that came from our clothes closet last weekend.  I'm not even entertaining the idea of a yard sale.  I don't want that stuff in my house for a few more months, while waiting for the weather to get warm enough.  The extra money would be nice for more storage containers, but I'm just going to find a shelter that needs all of those things.

Now, on to the really fun stuff--more baby stuff!  Keith and I have settled on a boy name, but we can't nail down the last two girl names to the final one.  We both go rounds of random reasons why we should go with one of the other.  At this point it's quite humorous.  So, I want to know what you think.  Vote in my little online poll on the side bar--you don't have to be a member of anything to do so.  Just click and vote!

*Is anyone having issues voting?  I think I need to set it up again...

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