Just thought I'd share how the journey of baby blessing #2 has started. I've been meaning to start a journal for this one, like I did for Knox, but I haven't gotten around to it just yet.
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In January, Keith and I decided to start trying for baby #2 in June. By then, if we got lucky right away, Knox would at least be 2. It took 10-11 months to get pregnant with Knox, so if that was the case again Knox would still be 3. At first, I was so preoccupied with Knox that, even though our attempts didn't result in anything, I wasn't too upset--plus we were still in our ideal range. When we finally did get pregnant, I actually didn't expect it!
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I first tested positive on November 2nd. I barely saw a line and just stared, trying to decide if I was crazy or not. So I went out to get a digital one--like I did with Knox, to make sure I wasn't mistaken. To my luck, when I got out to the car, I had an extremely low tire. I had to go have it filled with air while I ran errands (and got my test) while the line to have it patched dwindled. I sat in "agony" waiting at the tire place! I flew home and got a PREGNANT result just a few minutes later! I about flipped! I didn't want to call Keith at the office, so I whipped up a shirt for Knox to wear when Keith got home that read, "Big Bro Knox." (see pic!) I initially wanted to tell family in person when we were home for Thanksgiving so I didn't tell anyone ALL DAY, especially since Keith didn't know yet. (I about died to tell someone!) Once Keith did get home, Knox wouldn't sit still for Keith to see the shirt, so I had to hold Knox up so Keith could read. Keith isn't a drama king, so I got a "you're pregnant?" :)
By the next day, I couldn't keep it quite any longer. I called my mom and Keith called his dad. We told my dad and Keith's mom over Skype so Knox could show off his new shirt. I sent my brother and Lindsey picture messages of Knox's shirt (on their 2 year dating anniversary, coincidentally!) We slowly told extended family and close friends over the next few weeks (once my blood work came back with good results), until we had our first ultrasound last week, on Knox's second birthday!
As far as how I've felt, it's similar to how I felt with Knox. I'm nauseated most every day, most all day, though it's been slightly better the past two days. By that I mean I've only gotten sick once compared to about 4 times. I'm not sick as often as I was with Knox. When pregnant with him, I was sick EVERY time I ate ANYTHING. I'm keeping more things down, but still haven't gained any weight! That a plus to all this yucky sickness, in addition to the reason I'm sick, of course! :) Nothing helps the nausea--I've tried everything from eating crackers before getting out of bed, eating crystallized ginger, lemons, lemon ginger tea, small meals throughout the day, motion sickness bands, vitamin B6 AND two types of Zofran (regular and instant that dissolves--and being in a car only aggravates it.) Think I might have to try a combo of the aforementioned for the drive home for the holidays. The nasty cough I have now doesn't help things either. I have a headache most every day from coughing so much. And please don't think I'm just complaining--it actually gives me a small piece of mind that the pregnancy is progressing as it should. I actually freak out a tiny bit when I'm not as sick. :)
I'm also excited that my baby bump has already popped out. I've always heard that after the first it makes it's appearance much sooner, but to have it actually happen is just plain awesome. Besides, I love me some stretch pants and I stocked up at Target the other day. I didn't have tons of long pants when preggo with Knox--it was unseasonably warm (or that's what I thought then). I actually love fitted clothes when pregnant--it's the only time I can show off my belly and be proud! Haha! It's also great knowing that the pooch is all from the baby since I haven't gained any weight from all the sickness. See--it's all good!